
Environmental Policy
In order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through writing instruments, Zebra strives to act with consideration for the environment across all of our corporate activities, including the manufacturing of our products, and, to this end, we have established the following guidelines.
- Promote the use of sustainable resources and manufacture environmentally friendly products.
- Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations, as well as other requirements that we have chosen to respect.
- Promote efficient use of energy and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
- Promote resource conservation, waste reduction and recycling
- Work to protect biodiversity and the ecosystem
- Promote environmental education and in-house communication efforts to raise the environmental awareness of our employees
ISO14001 Certification

We have obtained ISO14001 (Environmental Management Systems) certification for our Nogi Factory.
We are working to raise the environmental awareness of our employees, and we implement active environmental improvement efforts with participation by all employees.
- Nogi Factory, Zebra Co., Ltd.
- 140 Nogi, Nogi-machi, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi Prefecture, Japan
- Manufacture of writing instruments
- JQA-EM2220
- March 8th, 2002

Climate Change
With the progression of global warming, climate change has become a critical global issue. Zebra is committed to mitigating climate change by promoting efficient use of energy and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.
Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
Zebra is promoting energy-saving efforts in accordance with the Energy Conservation Act and is striving to reduce its carbon footprint.
Adoption of renewable energy
Zebra has installed solar panels in its Nogi Factory and Head Office building to promote the use of renewable energy.

Depletion of resources has become a critical issue worldwide, owing to mass consumption-based economic activity. Zebra promotes the use of recycled plastics and waste reduction to contribute to the realization of a resource-recycling society.
Use of recycled plastics
Zebra works to reuse waste materials by using recycled plastics for our Eco Mark and other products.
Waste reduction
Most of the waste generated by Zebra is sorted by material and actively reused as part of our effort to reduce waste.
Zebra contributes to reuse initiatives by selling ink barrels and refill cartridges for some of our ballpoint pens, highlighter pens, and water/oil-based markers.

Forest conservation
We have been participating in the Present Tree initiative since fiscal year 2010. We plant trees equivalent to 1% of the cost of the paper used in our general product catalog issued every year.

Chemical substance management
We comply with environmental laws and regulations and conduct appropriate chemical substance management, to control the release of hazardous substances into the environment in an effort to reduce the impact on living beings.

Zebra will continue to fulfill its social responsibility as a manufacturer of writing instruments by delivering products of better quality while also engaging in social contribution efforts, based on the "Power of harmony between people" and the "Spirit of learning from the past."
General Incorporated Association Zebra Social Contribution Support Organization (ZESCO)

We provide assistance for projects or activities related to education, social welfare, and environmental conservation.
Social Contributions